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Hello & Welcome to Pi


If you want some pie, by all means, get some. 

Pi, spelled Pi, is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of any circle, no matter the size of that circle. Whether you are looking at a marble or a planet, the ratio of that circle will always equal pi. 

What does this have to do with you or me? 

It’s a philosophy.

Say you’re 16 years old, or maybe you’re 62. You’re single, married, divorced, have children, gained 20 pounds, lost 70 pounds, had surgery, had a body part or organ removed. Say you’re on the spectrum, have ADHD, bipolar, have visited a psych ward, had someone die on you. Let’s say that you paint, sculpt, write, create content, create a home, care for others, rely on others. Let’s say you can’t swim, can’t read, can’t walk, can’t get out of bed, can’t eat without a tube. You love, hate, scream, cry, you can smile really wide.

When do these things define you? When do they prevent you from being You?

The answer is; they don’t.

No matter how far that circle spreads out into the cosmos, or how far it shrinks down, it is always Pi. No matter where you are in your existence, battered, bruised, or beaming, you remain you.

We don’t use Pi in everyday life, but it is all around you, in the buildings, various kinds of communication systems, music, medicine, air travel and every flight taken into space. 

This is similar to how you interact with the world. Our personal bubble can feel small, and limited, and we usually aren’t aware of the impact we have on everything around us. 

Let’s say you pick up an oak leaf in the fall, snap a picture on your phone and post it. A parent in Australia finds it in their feed and shows their child, who has never seen an oak leaf before. That child goes to school and paints the oak leaf in vivid detail, and all the children marvel at something so unique to them. In a few seconds, you’ve brought something wonderous to the other side of the world.

You may be skeptical at this kind of impact, but it isn’t an exaggeration. I can look back on my past, and remember life changing consequences, brought to me by family, friends, or relative strangers, change that was usually conveyed in one sentence, or one action.

How does this apply to you?

We currently have unlimited access to other people’s lives, through social media, and this can be disconcerting at times, because we can see into their bubbles, where everything seems to be happy and right with them, then we look around and see the disaster within our own bubble and wonder what is wrong with us?

We know they are only showing the gentler side of their lives, yet it still bothers us, because we do want to make changes for the better, but aren’t sure how, or where to start.

This is a place you can come to, for the information and support you need; to start, and keep moving.

The internet is a wonderful wealth of information, but it is also bogged down with misinformation, opinion, and company’s agendas. It is difficult to find a place that has neutral, helpful advice on the “little” things we need the most help with, and that’s what I’m trying to create here; Help for the day to day. 

This site has no limit on the information we are going to delve into, but it will be simple, accurate, and easy to digest. This will be a place where you can get answers to questions that society has either talked to death, without finding real solutions, or deemed inappropriate to discuss.

What you do with this information is entirely up to you, but hopefully you will use it to expand and refine your circle and share it with others who are in need.

I’m happy you’re here.